Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Love, Love, Love!

I might just have to say this one might be my all time favorite so far!  Growing Kinders created by Kathleen is full of awesome ideas that can be used in any of the Elementary grades!!!  You can just go to and the ideas and strategies are endless.  Just like her classroom; the ideas are so organized that the blog is so easy to use and to get around on.  Kathleen even had a small clip on her blog showing how awesome the Now!Board is and how it can be used in the classroom.  She shows you and gives you ideas of arranging the classroom in a neat and flowing way.  She has fun activities available and has pictures of her students demonstrating how fun they really are.  These activities no doubt, support the learning environment for all levels of abilities.  She is so organized that she uses color coding for everything.  She has a cool idea for using the color coding system and being ready for what we know happens every year; a new student!  When the classroom and teacher are organized the learning environment is bond to be supportive.  The teacher knows where things are and the students are not distracted by all the clutter. Want to be organized, be ready, and find fun activities, visit


  1. Hi Pam - you need a follower button so I can blog stalk you. :o) Just found you and it looks like you have some good ideas and input. I will come on back and become a follower. ;o)
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

  2. Hi Pam, I agree with you, this teacher does have a positive learning environment and there are some good ideas. I only hope when I become a teacher I will be able to create a classroom environment like this.


    1. Hi Joyce, I am hoping the same thing! Having these websites will help us get ahead start on the creative ideas that we can use. I know I have found so many that I know I will use. I just might get started on making some of them.

  3. This is a good site I like websites I can go back to and continue learning more so that I can be come a better teacher. I feel oranization is one of the keys to a great successful classroom.

    Kayla holt (Kaydee)

    1. Hi Kayla,
      I would have to agree, organization is one of the key elements of a successful classroom. This will not only help teachers be less stressed, but will help eliminate students' stress and distractions. Do you think you would take anything from any of the sites you found?

  4. I am already totally addicted to the smart board and after viewing the video on the now board I'm even more excited. I knew the cost of furnishing a smart board would be expensive on a school district and I was already planning to put money away to buy one for myself. After being introduce to the now board, it's a possibility. There are many interesting ideas on this website and I appreciate you sharing it with us all. I know I will visit it again and again.

  5. I know I love the SMART board and do not know what we did before they came along!!! ;-) I think that the now board maybe a cheaper way to go possibly. If that is a districts worry. Our school has a SMART board in every room and I think that is almost district wide now. The options are endless!
