Friday, March 16, 2012

Had to Add Another One!

I thought that I found my favorite four until I found this teachers website; Kreative in Kinder created by Debbie Clement at  Any site that is filled with lessons, and a love for learning; how can you go wrong.  She provides many pictures to give the viewers a visual of her ideas and giving ideas that I know work.  She even has freebies on her website, which everyone loves.  Along with Parent Teacher Communication, which is a very important part of a students success. 


  1. Pam,
    This one is my favorite website. I like how the teacher and students created their own constitution/preamble with the classroom rules that they have to follow on a regular basis. I like the idea of the store where teachers and parents can purchase a variety of learning activities. I also like the focus wall with the colors, calendar, weather; days of the week numbers and the sight word bus and sing along song. Mrs. Clement gave wonderful ideas to implement in the classroom setting that will continue to encourage and motivate students to learn.

  2. Hi Pam - I love blog hopping and finding new blogs. Such great ideas out there. I am your newest follower. :o)
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After
